
Manatarka.org is a website about the fungi found in Bulgaria. More than 1,700 species have been recorded and accounted for by the experts at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Thanks to the enthusiasm of our mycological community many more species are being discovered all the time.

While mushroom foraging has traditionally been popular in the country, few have ever ventured further into the study of fungi. With the aid of scientific publications and literature as well as our combined knowledge and observations, we have set ourselves the task of advancing the understanding of fungi in our country. We hope our website will serve as a comprehensive and reliable reference to all mycophiles at home and abroad.

Bulgaria’s located in south-east Europe and has an area of 110,000 sq km. The climate is predominantly continental but regional variations exist owing to a varied geography. These regional variations are reflected in the species composition and distribution. Mountains harbour fungi typical of alpine and northern regions of Europe. Southern parts of the country and the Black sea coastline feature species from the Mediterranean region. A year is divided into four seasons with a mean temperature of 10.5°C. Winters are generally cold and summers hot. Precipitation amounts vary from year to year and there are frequent periods of drought as well as of prolonged snow and rainfall.

The rest of the website is in Bulgarian.


Geographical position of Bulgaria in Europe.