About us

Manatarka.org is the combined effort of four mushroom enthusiasts from Sofia, Bulgaria.

Pavel Nedelev – pavel.nedelev@gmail.com
Ilia Traykov – iliatraikov@abv.bg
Valentin Zanev – vzanev@gmail.com
Aleksandar Grozdanov – a.grozdanov@abv.bg

The initial plan was devised in the course of our collective meetings and forays and foresaw the creation of a website whose content was to be about all the fungi found in in our country.

Also participating in the project are our friends Boris Assyov, Hristo Ralev, Georgi Georgiev, Dimitar Vassilev, Rossen Aleksov and many others in our community.

The mission of the website is to offer mushroom enthusiasts access to current and trustworthy information about the fungi found in Bulgaria, and to present them with a platform for discussing and sharing their own experiences.

Your comments, suggestions, advice and submissions are welcome!


2 comments to About us

  • Dave

    Бих искал да ви поздравя за отличен ресурс, най-добрият аз не съм намерил в България. Това е моята основна отправна точка, докато аз фураж в населено място. Благодаря ви много за водене ме пази!

    Послепис Моля, приемете моите извинения за моя лош английски, български, аз съм English :/

  • Eίμαι έλληνας και σαν γείτονας Βαλκάνιος θέλω να επικοινωνώ μαζι σας.Δυστυχώς δεν γνωρίζω καμιά άλλη γλώσα πλην της ελληνικής,πιστεύω όμως πως βοηθάει σημαντικά το google translate για την επικοινωνία μας.Θα χαρώ πολύ αν αποδεχθείτε το αίτημα μου και να με κάνετε φίλο.

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